OptiLayer Tools

OptiLayer Tools allows you to take all factors/effects/features of optical coatings/measurement devices into account and successfully implement OptiLayer into real design-production chains. OptiLayer Tools provides all basic and sophisticated tools required in the course of design/characterization and monitoring of optical coatings.
design target

OptiLayer allows you to specify targets of eight different types: conventional, range, color, integral, electric field, layer absorptance, stress/thickness and user-defined. It enables designing optical coatings with any desired characteristics. Details…

error analysis

Statistical error analysis tool includes conventional,  color, integral and electric field error analysis. You can estimate production yield and estimate the worst case. More…

U g triple glazing

OptiLayer calculates u- and g-values of the designed double- and triple-glazing. These values can be also calculated for produced samples on the basis of measurement data.

OptiLayer Catalog

OptiLayer Catalog contains refractive indices and extinction coefficients of 119 thin film materials and 916 substrates. The Catalog contains 16 Light Sources and 2 Detectors as well.

Also, OptiLayer allows you very fast import from RefractiveIndex.Info.

Import menuOptiLayer provides a wide set of options allowing you to import experimental data of all commercially available and home-made measurement devices. You can also import optical constants, designs etc. from commercial packages and your own programs. OptiLayer export

A large variety of Export Options makes OptiLayer compatible with other programs. These options allow exchanging data with your colleagues.

Cone Angle

Cone Angle tool of OptiLayer allows you to calculate coatings’ characteristics taking averaging on cone angle.

Graphics and visual

OptiLayer provides many graphical options allowing you to plot characteristics and visualize your results in the most convenient form.

Filter parameters

Filter mode is mainly aimed at detailed analysis of filter type spectral characteristics but can be used for the analysis of other characteristics as well.

Look our video examples

Look our video examples at YouTube

OptiLayer videos are available here:
Overview of Design/Analysis options of OptiLayer and overview of Characterization/Reverse Engineering options.

The videos were presented at the joint Agilent/OptiLayer webinar.